Use the Sustainable Development Goals—aka the world’s ultimate to-do list—to make you think how your next campaign, idea, video or product could actually make a difference.
Not just on socials, but in society. |


Method 1: mashup

The SDGs are a great framework for big change. Now let’s make them a standard part of your creative process, using them as a spark to get the thought process going.

Do the mashup if you’re looking for fresh new ideas, solutions or strategies.


1. Pick two subjects to brainstorm about. Spend 3 minutes on either topic and jot down each idea that springs on a post-it. Tack them to the wall. Now match the number of ideas with the same amount of SDG cards you choose with the shuffle tool
2. Now combine two or more elements from the wall into something shiny and new.
3. Summarise each mashup idea on an A4 paper, give it a funky title and outline the general idea.

Method 2: The randomiser

In the creative process, play is paramount. Count on the randomiser to shake up your usual association game and find new ways of going from A to B.

Use the randomiser if you’re looking for an original way to frame a message for a brand or an organisation.


1. On a sheet of paper, write down the name of the brand, businesses or organisation you’re working for. Place it centrally on the table.
2. Randomly pick 20 SDG cards and put them on the table, black side facing up.
3. On plain paper cards, write down ten different techno- logies. Put the cards face-down on the table.
4. You have now two piles of ‘blind’ cards, plus the name of the brand, businesses or organisation you’re working for.. Time to mix and match. Take one card from each pile and see which interesting threesomes pop up. Ikea/Water/Irisscan? Corner coffee place/Waste/AI? Think about what you could do with these. We’ll bet you’ll come up with things you didn’t know were possible.

Method 3: The hand of faith

The Global Goals are an endless source of inspira- tion. Why? Because they’re about life, really. About something bigger. That’s why they work for just about every type of message.

Trust in the hand of faith to pick out challenging combinations and help you craft messages that stick.


1. Put all the cards from the box on the table, black side facing up. (No card set? Use the randomiser on the website.)
2. Now let faith decide on three cards and turn them over.
3. What you have now is something like Life on land/ Peace/Gender equality. Now for the challenging part: craft a message that blends all three subjects into one larger-than-life goal.
4. Go on, pick three new cards.

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